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To whom It may concern,

If in an industry full of diet pills, late-night infomercials, and a million programs from Coach Google you feel even more lost and confused then ever before, this site is exactly where you need to be. More money than ever is being spent on pills, powders, supplements, workouts, and whatever shiny new exercise toy is on sale for 3 low payments of $199.99. Yet even with all this extra time and money being spent things are getting worse. A recent report noted that over 40% of America is obese these days. On behalf of our industry I’m here to apologize. I’m here to do better by you and help lead you in a different direction. I’m here to lead you in the right direction. To prove it to you I’ll even give you some free direction and advice to help you get started and on your way. To be honest I don’t mind who you train with or where you train, as long as it’s the proper exercise and nutrition plan for YOU specifically. We all know that the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. I’m here to help you one step, one rep, and one bite at a time even if it means walking you straight to a different coach, gym, or program that I know will be a better fit for you. Whatever you do don’t just stand there, do something! Choose your next step. Ask me a question here or check out our programs (coming soon).

With Love,

Coach Rem